Three days have past since my surgery. I am sore, bruised, have some swelling, and feel tugging when I move my left arm. When I look at myself, it isn't a very pretty sight.
At least I still have almost all of my left breast. The Oncology surgeon removed the cancerous lump or "tumor" as well as some of the healthy tissue that surrounded it called "margins". In my case, the surgery was a "wire-localized" lumpectomy. Because my lump could not be felt by the surgeon, prior to the surgery, under local anesthesia, a radiologist had placed a thin wire into the abnormal area in my left breast to guide in the removal of the cancerous growth during the actual surgery.
Can't forget the blue dye. The radiologist also did a Sentinel Node Mapping procedure. Also under local anesthesia, the radiologist injected a blue dye/radioactive substance into my breast above the nipple. The dye then flows to the first lymph node - The Sentinel Lymph Node. The Sentinel Lymph Node is the first node where cancer would most likely have spread. In my case, the surgeon removed two lymph nodes which would be sent out for additional testing.
After the above two procedures, I remember being wheeled out of my room and down the hall toward the operating room. Someone remarked that they were giving me some "Happy Juice" to help me relax. I remember being wheeled into the operating room ... the bright overhead lights ... and then nothing until I woke up in recovery a few hours later.
I had spent about 9 hours at the hospital in total. I arrived home about 5:30 that evening. Although I had not eaten since the day before the surgery, I was not all that hungry when I got home. I managed to eat some crackers and jello. I was actually more thirsty than anything else, but took only small sips. I didn't know how my stomach would react. During the surgery I was given drugs to control any problems with nausea. Thankfully, I had no problems then or afterward.
That night I "hurt", but did manage to sleep for short stretches. I was glad the day was over.
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